Likeable Links – Too much SEO, Social Buttons & Charity

It’s been an interesting old week in SEO Land (it always is) and one of the things that jumped out at me this week was the new over optimisation penalty that is on the way from Google – more details on that over at Search Engine Land.


Whilst we are looking at possible problems from too much or aggressive SEO it does not hurt to review some of the Guidelines from Google themselves so check out the SEO guidelines and webmaster guidelines as a refresher (forewarned is forearmed eh). I have never really been a fan of any kind of social automation or outsourcing as I feel it kind of misses the point and the outsourced twitter Spam from AT&T this week is a great example of when social media outsourcing goes wrong! While we are on the topic of social media there was a great article covering 7 google plus tricks over on unbounce that is definitely worth your time. If you want to track your social buttons there is a great article over on Yoast showing how you can do this with Google Analytics event tracking.




On a non-SEO related matter, Birmingham children’s hospital is celebrating its 150th birthday and there are a bunch of things going on to help them raise money. We are based in Birmingham and any charity work we do we try to direct to the kids hospital so if you want to get involved and help the hospital raise some money and keep going for another 150 head on over and see what you can do.


That’s it I think folks, as ever reading everything out there could be a full-time job so do let me know if you come across any great articles this week!




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